Dataset - Roadway Statistics

2003 State Highway Statistics - National Highway System (NHS) Miles by Region*

Region Total Miles Total Lane Miles Total DVMT Truck DVMT
1 543.539 1,986.139 8,030,300.203 1,118,976.725
2 653.996 2,009.457 8,405,053.372 954,797.609
3 666.757 1,938.134 6,268,034.678 641,788.837
4 590.517 1,978.651 8,673,610.561 904,777.917
5 631.045 1,479.281 3,066,522.114 279,722.694
6 353.198 1,647.946 21,366,943.499 1,477,043.506
Total 3,439.052 11,039.608 55,810,464.427 5,377,107.288

* Only counties with NHS state highway mileage are shown.  Does not include NHS mileage on city and county road systems.

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