Roadway Statistics

2005 State Highway Statistics - Centerline Miles by Region

Please Note: County and City roads are not included. These statistics apply to Colorado Highways only.

These are Interstates, U.S. Highways, toll roads, and numbered Colorado Highways.

Region Interstate-Rural Other Pri Art-Rural Minor Art-Rural Major Coll-Rural  Minor Coll-Rural Local-Rural Interstate-Urban Freeway-Urban Other Pri Art-Urban Minor Art-Urban Collector-Urban Local-Urban Total Centerline Miles
1  233.898 345.972 503.875 71.677 66.446 20.120 28.382 40.999 46.990 11.556 0.000 0.000 1,369.92
2  106.332 388.434 778.911 413.543 16.164 0.000 58.846 64.892 98.577 41.735 2.638 0.000 1,970.07
3  155.908 412.116 877.005 286.782 19.360 0.000 35.372 5.161 114.092 13.944 21.511 0.000 1,941.25
4  190.529 484.009 651.272 296.310 5.883 0.000 39.017 66.608 136.604 48.889 30.113 0.000 1,949.23
5  0.000 634.077 447.082 295.302 8.516 0.000 0.000 0.000 47.381 2.619 1.021 0.000 1,436.00
6  0.000 11.242 15.608 0.000 0.000 0.000 107.780 104.774 207.695 32.071 2.456 0.000 481.63
Total 686.667 2,275.850 3,273.753 1,363.614 116.369 20.120 269.397 282.434 651.339 150.814 57.739 0.000 9,148.096

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