Roadway Statistics
2006 State Highway Statistics - Centerline Miles by Region
Please Note: County and City roads are not included. These statistics apply to Colorado Highways only.
These are Interstates, U.S. Highways, toll roads, and numbered Colorado Highways.
Region Interstate-Rural Other Pri Art-Rural Minor Art-Rural Major Coll-Rural  Minor Coll-Rural Local-Rural Interstate-Urban Freeway-Urban Other Pri Art-Urban Minor Art-Urban Collector-Urban Local-Urban Total Centerline Miles
1  233.898 345.973 504.327 71.670 67.045 20.120 28.382 40.999 50.029 11.556 0.000 0.000 1,373.999
2  106.332 388.434 780.494 413.629 16.164 0.000 58.846 64.637 97.602 41.689 2.638 0.000 1,970.465
3  155.908 412.091 878.981 287.036 20.364 0.000 35.372 5.161 114.092 14.249 21.924 0.000 1,945.178
4  190.518 484.025 651.304 296.284 5.883 0.000 39.017 69.832 136.977 48.889 30.176 0.000 1,952.905
5  0.000 634.091 447.082 295.309 8.516 0.000 0.000 0.000 47.381 2.619 1.021 0.000 1,436.019
6  0.000 11.270 15.608 0.000 0.000 0.000 107.792 105.268 207.888 32.071 2.456 0.000 482.353
Total 686.656 2,275.884 3,277.796 1,363.928 117.972 20.120 269.409 285.897 653.969 151.073 58.215 0.000 9,160.919
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