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Integrate with other apps

You can integrate ArcGIS QuickCapture with other apps using either a QuickCapture link or a custom URL scheme. Both methods support the same parameters, but there are platform-dependent differences between the methods.

QuickCapture links begin with and can be opened from or can open other ArcGIS apps that support app linking and are available on iOS and Android only. ArcGIS apps that you can open with a QuickCapture link include ArcGIS Survey123, ArcGIS Collector, ArcGIS Navigator, and ArcGIS Explorer.

Custom URL scheme links begin with arcgis-quickcapture:// and can be opened from or can open other ArcGIS apps on Android and Windows. To use a custom URL scheme link on iOS, the other app must also have QuickCapture approved within it to allow linking. ArcGIS apps that you can open with a URL scheme from QuickCapture include ArcGIS Survey123 and Collector for ArcGIS (Classic).

Using a custom URL scheme on Windows is a good way to create and test your link and its parameters before deploying it to your mobile workers as either a custom URL scheme or a QuickCapture link.

QuickCapture links are the preferred method of linking between apps, and custom URL schemes are the preferred method for sharing projects.

Parameters for the mobile app

You can use the following parameters to customize how the mobile app is opened:


Specifies the URL to the portal where the QuickCapture project item is hosted.




Specifies to use an external browser for sign in.




Specifies the project to open.




Specifies the value with which to populate the project user input variable.



Link to QuickCapture from a desktop web browser

You can create a link to open the QuickCapture mobile app that you can embed into another app. You can enter the same link into a web browser for testing. The following steps describe creating a custom URL scheme and using it in a desktop web browser:


Once you have created your link, you can substitute arcgis-quickcapture:// with and it will work as a QuickCapture link.

  1. Type arcgis-quickcapture:// in your browser.
    The QuickCapture mobile app opens (or you are prompted to open it).

    To launch and download a project from a specific portal, include the portal URL parameter, for example, arcgis-quickcapture://? (where host, domain, and webadaptor are replaced by your portal information). To use an external browser for sign in, include the externalBrowserSignIn parameter and set it to true, for example, arcgis-quickcapture://?

  2. You can also add a unique reference to a project and add it to the URL. First, you must identify the item ID of the project you want to open. This is the string of characters that ArcGIS Online uses to uniquely identify your project and can be found in the URL of your project item in ArcGIS Online. For example, if your project's URL is, your project's item ID is dcdb68465fbc4c38a6aba7f5165cdfd4.

  3. To include your project in the URL you're constructing, add ?itemId= and your project's item ID to the URL.
    Your URL should look similar to the following:


    If you test your URL, it now opens the QuickCapture mobile app and immediately opens your project.


    If not already on your device, the project is downloaded.

  4. Optionally, you can include a predetermined project user input variable.
  5. To populate the project user input variable, type &userInput:id= and the value you want to enter; the ampersand (&) acts as a parameter separator.

    Your URL should look similar to the following:


    This URL opens the QuickCapture mobile app and your project, and the project user input value of Area7 is used in any field that has been configured to accept it. You can add up to three project user input values to a project. A URL containing more than one project user input values should look similar to the following:


  6. You can also pass contents of fields to QuickCapture from a pop-up in an ArcGIS web map, allowing integration with any Esri apps that make use of pop-ups in a web map.
  7. Select Configure Pop-up for an existing layer in your web map. In the display drop-down menu, select a custom attribute display, click Configure, and insert a link to your project.

    Set the link for the URL scheme in the custom attribute.

    To populate a project user input variable with the value of the workArea field for the feature from which the link was launched, type &userInput:001={workArea}; the ampersand (&) acts as a parameter separator and the braces ({}) denote a field name.

    Your URL should look similar to the following:


Link to QuickCapture from another app

You can create a link for use within other apps to launch QuickCapture and capture a record. The following steps describe creating a QuickCapture link and using it in an Explorer pop-up. These links are entered in the pop-up of a web map in your ArcGIS organization. You can optionally test these links using a web browser (using similar steps as in the section above) on an iOS or Android device; however, the links will not work on Windows.

  1. Select Configure Pop-up for an existing layer in a web map that will be viewed in Explorer.
  2. In the display drop-down menu, select a custom attribute display, click Configure, and insert a link to your project.
  3. Enter for the URL parameter, enter Launch QuickCapture for Link Text, and click OK.
    1. Launch your web map in Explorer on a mobile device.
    2. Select a feature and click the Launch QuickCapture link in the pop-up to launch QuickCapture.
  4. To include your project in the URL you're constructing, add ?itemId= and your project's item ID to the URL.
    Your URL should look similar to the following:

    If you test your URL, it should now open the QuickCapture mobile app and immediately open your project.


    If not already on your device, the project will be downloaded.

  5. Optionally, you can include a predetermined project user input variable.
  6. To populate the project user input variable, type &userInput:id= and the value you want to enter; the ampersand (&) acts as a parameter separator.

    Your URL should look similar to the following:

    This URL opens the QuickCapture mobile app and your project, and the project user input value of Area7 is used in any field that has been configured to accept it.

  7. You can also pass contents of fields to a project user input variable from Explorer.
  8. To populate a project user input variable with the value of the workArea field for the feature from which the link was launched, type &userInput:001={workArea}; the ampersand (&) acts as a parameter separator and the braces ({}) denote a field name.

    Your URL should look similar to the following:{workArea}

Link to another app from QuickCapture

You can configure a QuickCapture project to open another app by selecting a button that opens a URL, providing a flexible and seamless experience for mobile workers to work with QuickCapture and other applications.

To link to another app from QuickCapture, you must configure a project by adding a link button and configuring the URL for the link button. In the designer, you can configure the button to open a dedicated URL, for example, a custom URL or an app link that opens another Esri app. In the case of the ArcGIS Survey123 field app, you can additionally browse and select a survey form and predefine the values for survey questions.

To configure a button that launches a URL to a dashboard, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the button and go to the Link tab.
  2. Click URL.
  3. Enter as the URL.

This creates a link button that launches the QuickCapture Marine Debris Dashboard when selected in the mobile app. In the text editor, you can enter any HTTPS-based URL or a custom URL scheme of another app that has allowed QuickCapture.


You can create links to launch communication apps such as email, SMS, and phone. This gives users quick access to help from within the project. The following are examples of communication app links:

  • Email—mailto:[email protected]?subject=Fix%20the%20pipe&body=We%20really%20need%20to%20fix%20the%20pipe
  • SMS—sms:0291920995 (On Android, a message body can also be included: sms:0291920995?body=We%20really%20need%20to%20fix%20the%20pipe)
  • Phone—tel:0291920995

To configure a button that launches the ArcGIS Survey123 field app, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the button and go to the Link tab.
  2. Click Survey123 field app.
  3. Select a survey to link to the button.

    This defines the itemID parameter in the Survey123 link.

  4. Click Add to add a survey question and match a fixed value, device variable, or project user input to the question.

    This defines the value of the specified field:fieldname parameter in the Survey123 link. Repeat this step to add all required survey questions. To remove a survey question that has been configured, click the delete button. This removes the specified field:fieldname parameter in the Survey123 link.

  5. Optionally, enable Pass location to Survey123 to include the center parameter with latitude and longitude values in the Survey123 link.

    If a geopoint question is included in the survey, the map is centered on the location passed to it from QuickCapture.

  6. Optionally, enable Return to QuickCapture to redirect the user to QuickCapture when a survey is submitted.

    This adds a callback:submit parameter in the Survey123 link.

The designer constructs the Survey123 link automatically.

Your URL should look similar to the following. This example includes a fixed value for condition, a device variable for capturetime, and a project user input for username.


Alternatively, you can manually construct the Survey123 link with the URL option. In the text editor, construct the URL manually or use the toolbar to add a predefined value for the URL parameters. You can select a fixed value, device variable, or project user input variable to add to the URL. The variables are indicated using braces ({}) in your constructed URL, and the actual value in the braces is filled automatically by the mobile app when the button is pressed.

When you switch between the URL and Survey123 field app options, the existing URL is discarded.

For more information on the parameters supported by Survey123, see Integrate Survey123 with other apps.


When assigning variables to survey questions, the field type must match.

Although URL parameters that are not encoded work in some environments, it is recommended that you encode URL parameters when you manually construct a URL. Encoding replaces invalid characters with the percent sign (%) followed by their hex equivalent. For example, to include the callback parameter, your URL should look similar to the following:
