Dataset:HPMSSTE > Field: widenFeas

Field Details
: widenFeas
: NUMBER(1,0)
: No
: No
: widenFeas
: NA
: NA
Basic information about this field
Field Constraints
widenFeas is constrained by a value list. The table to the right lists the valid values for this field.
Code Value
Ownership & Maintenance
: Kelley Abbott
: Kelley Abbott
What section or group in CDOT owns the data in this dataset and who is custodian of the data itself.
Business Rules
: A calculation of vertical alignment adequacy and estimate running speed and operating costs
(HPMS) Highway Performance
: No
: No
: No
: Yes
: No
A code that best represents the extent to which it is feasible to widen an existing road expressed as the number of lanes that could be added to the HPMS sample. (The number of through lanes that could be potentially added)
Code this item based on how feasible it is to widen the existing road based on the presence of obstacles as identified in Data Item 41 (Widening Obstacles), and the proximity of the obstacle to the roadway. Consider medians, areas already within the existing right-of-way, and areas outside existing right- of- way to be available for widening. Do not consider restrictions due to current right-of-way width, or projected traffic. Narrowing lanes via restriping, resulting in an additional lane on a multilane facility does not constitute widening feasibility. The cost of adding capacity to sections or corridors with limited widening feasibility is assumed to be significantly more costly than other more routine capacity improvements.
Business rules related to this particular field.
Other Datasets with this Field
Title Type Description
COHPMS Table This dataset contains roadway sections in the State's Sample Panel that are under the jusidiction of cities and counties. The Sample Panel provides detailed statistical data on a randomly selected sample of roadway sections in the State's public roadway inventory to meet Federal reporting requirements for the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).
Other datasets that have this field.