Dataset:RampsOn > Field: UseKey

Field Details
: UseKey
: VARCHAR2(40)
: No
: No
: NA
Basic information about this field
Field Constraints
UseKey Has no constraints defined.
Ownership & Maintenance
: Data Management Unit
: Bibi Khan
: Phyllis Snider
What section or group in CDOT owns the data in this dataset and who is custodian of the data itself.
Business Rules
: A calculation of vertical alignment adequacy and estimate running speed and operating costs
: No
: No
: No
: Yes
: No
Established as the Visual Deliniation Component for Anchor Point Libraries. UseKey is used to display common sub groups and common EventTypes on Screen using Categorized Symbology to produce Editing Icons.
Business rules related to this particular field.
Other Datasets with this Field
Title Type Description
AnchorOn Table The AnchorOn table is a Collection of Inventory Items, Features, Events or Split Point Locations that can be Field Varified and/or could be assigned a Real World Coordinate. Structures, Junctions, Crossings and Intersections are some Examples.
DescOn Table DescOn is a table that contains highway segment descriptions from the GRDMS geodatabase.
IntchOn Table The IntchOn Table and the Interchages Feature Class hold data and geometry for the Major Interchanges on the State Highway System.
StrOn Table This table is a collection of point events that provide detailed information about major bridges and culverts on the State Highway System.
Other datasets that have this field.