Dataset: StateRoutes

Dataset Details
: OnSystem
: StateRoutes
: Table
: Line
StateRoutes is a small table that defines the limits of each Route within the Colorado LRS. StateRoutes Summarizes each route Log with a (Min) Measure location and a (Max) Measure location along with a narative description of each Highway.
This dataset is not directly available for download. Please contact us to request a copy.
Basic information about the dataset
Ownership & Maintenance
: Data Management Unit
: Bibi Khan
: Phyllis Snider
What section or group in CDOT owns the data in this dataset and who is custodian of the data itself.
Name Business Name Data Type Status
calYr Calendar Year or Calculate Year CHAR(4) Verified
EndRefPt End Reference Point NUMBER(7,3) Verified
Length_ Segment Length in Miles to the Thousandth of a Mile (3-Decimal Points) NUMBER(7,3) Verified
ObjectID Object Identifier NUMBER(38) Verified
RefPt Reference Point NUMBER(7,3) Verified
Route Route Log Identification Number CHAR(4) Verified
routeDescription Route Description VARCHAR2(255) Verified
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Data Request for OnSystem.StateRoutes