Dataset:TraffOn > Field: EDLA

Field Details
: NUMBER(10,4)
: No
: No
: NA
: NA
Basic information about this field
Field Constraints
EDLA Has no constraints defined.
Ownership & Maintenance
: Traffic Analysis Unit
: Bibi Khan
: Steven Abeyta
What section or group in CDOT owns the data in this dataset and who is custodian of the data itself.
Business Rules
: Highway Management and Planning
: NA
: No
: No
: Yes
: Yes
: No
An equivalent axle load factor (EALF) defines the damage per pass to a pavement by the axle in question relative to the damage per pass of a standard axle load, usually the 18-kip single-axle load. Pavement design parameter. ^ (Removed!)
Used for Pavement Design and This is Changing. An equivalent axle load factor (EALF) defines the damage per pass to a pavement by the axle in question relative to the damage per pass of a standard axle load, usually the 18-kip single-axle load. The design is based on the total number of passes of the standard axle load during the design period, defined as the equivalent single-axle load (ESAL) and computer by repetitions of each axle load group during the design period. Http://
Business rules related to this particular field.
Other Datasets with this Field
Title Type Description
Other datasets that have this field.