Dataset:XsecOn > Field: MAL

Field Details
: No
: No
: Managed Access Lane Type
: NA
: NA
Basic information about this field
Field Constraints
MAL is constrained by a value list. The table to the right lists the valid values for this field.
Code Value
0 None
1 Exclusive
2 Normal Thru Lanes
3 Shoulder/Parking
4 Toll Facility
Ownership & Maintenance
: Data Management Unit
: Bibi Khan
: Phyllis Snider
What section or group in CDOT owns the data in this dataset and who is custodian of the data itself.
Business Rules
: Planning
Roadway (Design Build)
: NA
: Yes
: No
: Yes
: No
: No
A value that defines the type of lanes used for Managed Access (e.g. toll, HOV) on a road segment. These can include lanes that operate exclusively as Managed Access, while other types may be shoulders or through lanes that can also function as Managed Access lanes at designated times.
MAL (Managed Access Lanes) – This value indicates whether or not a managed access lane, such as a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV), High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lane or a Bus-Only lane is present. Time-dependent managed access lanes that operate as through lanes or HOV/Bus lanes based on the time of day are considered managed access lanes. Reversible lanes are generally considered managed access lanes. Managed access lane starting and ending points should be measured at the physical barrier at the entrance and exit, the beginning/ending of the lane striping that distinguishes a permanent managed access lane from the primary or secondary through lanes, or at the point where a developed managed access lane achieves its full width. Types: 0 = Section does not have MAL lanes. 1 = Section has exclusive MAL lanes (HOV use only; no other uses permitted). 2 = Normal through lane(s) used for exclusive HOV in specified time periods. 3 = Shoulder/parking lane(s) used for exclusive HOV in specified time periods. Determined by: Aerial Imagery, Photographic/Video Record, As-Built Drawings, Field Inspection
Business rules related to this particular field.
Other Datasets with this Field
Title Type Description
Other datasets that have this field.