Dataset:XsecOn > Field: Median

Field Details
: Median
: No
: No
: Median Type
: NA
: NA
Basic information about this field
Field Constraints
Median is constrained by a value list. The table to the right lists the valid values for this field.
Code Value
0 0 No Data
1 1 None
10 10 Painted - Vehicles Allowed (TWLTL)
12 12 Painted - No Vehicles
13 13 Parking
14 14 Level
21 21 Depressed
31 31 Raised (no curb)
41 41 Raised Curb
52 52 Channelized - Raised Curb
54 54 Channelized - Painted
55 55 HOV Reversible
Ownership & Maintenance
: Data Management Unit
: Bibi Khan
: Phyllis Snider
What section or group in CDOT owns the data in this dataset and who is custodian of the data itself.
Business Rules
: Planning
Roadway (Design Build)
: NA
: Yes
: No
: Yes
: No
: No
A Domained Value (median) describing the classification of the type of median on the segment of road separating the travel ways for traffic in opposite directions.
Median Type – This code is a classification of the type of median on the segment of road separating the travel ways for traffic in the opposite direction. Starting and ending reference points are to be measured at the location where the physical change in median takes place. Painted medians are identified by yellow striping. Continuous left-turn lanes are generally not to be considered medians, with the exception of two-way left-turn lanes (TWLTL), which are identified by a solid yellow stripe and skip stripe on both sides of the median. Transitions between striped no-vehicle travel medians and TWLTL warrant segment breaks, but transitions between TWLTL and designated left-turn lane striping do not warrant segment breaks, provided that the overall median width remains constant. When left-turn lanes are present, a median may still exist between the inside left-turn lane and the opposing lane of traffic. In the event that the inside left-turn lane is immediately adjacent to the opposing lane of travel (separated only by a double-yellow stripe), the median type should be entered as no-vehicle travel with a width of 0- feet in order to preserve the cross-section width (where applicable).
Business rules related to this particular field.
Other Datasets with this Field
Title Type Description
COHPMS Table This dataset contains roadway sections in the State's Sample Panel that are under the jusidiction of cities and counties. The Sample Panel provides detailed statistical data on a randomly selected sample of roadway sections in the State's public roadway inventory to meet Federal reporting requirements for the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).
Other datasets that have this field.