Dataset:XsecOn > Field: PriOutShldSF

Field Details
: PriOutShldSF
: No
: No
: Primary Outside Shoulder Safety Feature
: NA
: NA
Basic information about this field
Field Constraints
PriOutShldSF is constrained by a value list. The table to the right lists the valid values for this field.
Code Value
0 Current Yr
1 Factor 1 Yr
2 Factor 2 Yrs
3 Factor 3+ Yrs
4 Estimated AADT
5 Automated Traffic Recorder (ATR)
9 Estimated AADT based on TraffSegBreak
Ownership & Maintenance
: Data Collection
: Bibi Khan
: Jose Segovia
What section or group in CDOT owns the data in this dataset and who is custodian of the data itself.
Business Rules
: Highway Management and Planning
Roadway (Design Build)
: NA
: Yes
: No
: Yes
: Yes
: No
A Domained Value Element indicating the presence and type of a Outside Shoulder Safety Feature located on the primary direction of traffic.
This value indicates the presence of a safety feature located on the outside of the primary or secondary direction travel lane(s). Outside shoulder safety features are intended to prevent vehicles from continuing beyond the roadway cross section. Changes in safety features should be detailed in existing roadway segments whenever they are continuous over at least 50-percent of the roadway segment. Segment breaks specifically for safety features should be limited to locations where they represent a significant change to the roadway characteristics, or where they cannot be adequately described in terms of existing roadway segments. For example, a relatively short break in guard rail along a segment of roadway that predominantly has guard rail should not constitute segment breaks, whereas the point at which guard rail starts or ceases to be a predominant roadway characteristic would warrant a separate segment break.
Business rules related to this particular field.
Other Datasets with this Field
Title Type Description
Other datasets that have this field.