This value describes the intended use of the auxiliary lane in the primary or secondary direction, if present. Auxiliary lanes may include acceleration/deceleration lanes specific to intersections or access points, and also include any dedicated climbing lanes along the roadway. Climbing lanes are typically located on freeways to facilitate passing maneuvers on steep hills, and are typically signed as climbing lanes. For climbing lanes, if the transition taper is located between the primary and secondary direction it is considered an “Inside Climbing” lane. If the transition taper is located on the outside of the through lanes in either the primary or secondary direction it is considered an “Outside Climbing” lane. All other auxiliary lanes are always located on the outside of the roadway.
0 - None: default value.
1 - Auxiliary Lane: an additional lane on the right-hand side of the through lane(s) that is
primarily used for acceleration/deceleration.
2 - Outside Climbing: a climbing lane is present and located on the right-hand side of the
through lane(s).
3 - Inside Climbing: a climbing lane is present and located on the left-hand side of the
through lane(s).
Input: Numeric in whole feet, default = 0 feet
• The auxiliary lane width is measured from the edge of the through lanes to the edge of the
shoulder, if present, or edge of roadway if not.
• Any width striped as no-vehicle travel is to be included in this width.