Dataset:XsecOn > Field: thruLnQty

Field Details
: thruLnQty
: No
: No
: Through Lane Quantity
: NA
: NA
Basic information about this field
Field Constraints
thruLnQty Has no constraints defined.
Ownership & Maintenance
: Data Management Unit
: Bibi Khan
: Phyllis Snider
What section or group in CDOT owns the data in this dataset and who is custodian of the data itself.
Business Rules
: Highway Management and Planning
Roadway (Design Build)
: NA
: Yes
: No
: Yes
: Yes
: No
The prevailing number of lanes carrying through traffic in the in both directions of traffic, excluding parking, turning, auxiliary, climbing, acceleration or deceleration lanes.
This value is the number of through travel lanes in the primary direction of the roadway. Continuous left-turn lanes and right-turn lanes do not count as through lanes. If a new through lane is created or comes to an end between two existing segments, the start and ending reference points should be recorded as segment breaks where the pavement fully contains the new through lane(s), excluding the taper.
Business rules related to this particular field.
Other Datasets with this Field
Title Type Description
TCORIS_OffSystem Table The TCORIS_OffSystem table is a collection of data items that pertain to roadway attributes for roadways that are maintained by local governments for the purpose of determining Highway Users Tax Fund eligibility.
RampsOn Table The RampsOn table is a Collection of On Ramps and Exit Ramps including a few Design Specifications, a few classicication fields and a few Traffic Volume and Traffic Related items that have a Traffic Count Stations on the State Highway System. *
Other datasets that have this field.