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accessInformation: Tabular data from VZS modeling provided by Bryan Allery with DiExSys. Spatial dataset generated by Evan Kirby, Associate with FHU - [email protected]
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: GIS dataset of intersections with identified crash patterns on the state and federal highway system in Colorado, from outputs generated in Vision Zero Suite. A cumulative probability threshold of 95th percentile and min number of 5 crashes was used to identify pattern types. Pattern types overlap in this dataset, resulting in up to 12 pattern types for the same intersection in certain instances. The patterns are categorized by type in the "SEV_PAT", "VEH_PAT", "LOC_PAT", "ACC_PAT", "LIGHT_PAT", "WEATH_PAT", "ROAD_PAT", "HCF_PAT", "DRV_PAT" fields. Other pattern types may be identified in any given record, so users should be careful in using key word searches in these fields. Fields include beginning/ending MPs from model, highway number, pattern type (by category), latitude/longitude, and intersection type. Pattern types identified included the following:APPROACH TURNBICYCLEBROADSIDECONCRETE BARRIERCRASH CUSHIONCURBDARK - LIGHTEDDARK - UNLIGHTEDDAWN OR DUSKDAYLIGHTDRIVER 1 - ALCOHOL INVOLVEDDRIVER 1 - DISTRACTED BY PASSENGERDRIVER 1 - DRIVER FATIGUEDRIVER 1 - DRIVER INEXPERIENCEDRIVER 1 - DRIVER PREOCCUPIEDDRIVER 1 - DRIVER UNFAMILIAR WITH AREADRIVER 1 - NO APPARENT CONTRIBUTING FACTORDRIVER 1 - NO IMPAIRMENT SUSPECTEDDRIVER 1 - UNKNOWN CONTRIBUTING FACTORDRY ROADFOGICY ROADINJURY (INJ)NO ADVERSE WEATHEROFF ROADOFF ROAD LEFTOFF ROAD RIGHTON ROADOTHER FIXED OBJECTOVERTAKING TURNPARKED MOTOR VEHICLEPEDESTRIANPROPERTY DAMAGE ONLYRAINREAR ENDSIDESWIPE (OPPOSITE DIRECTION)SIDESWIPE (SAME DIRECTION)SIGNSLUSHY ROADSNOW OR SLEET OR HAILSNOWY ROADTOTAL FIXED OBJECTSTRAFFIC SIGNAL POLEUNKNOWN ROAD CONDITIONUNKNOWN WEATHERWET ROADWILD ANIMAL
title: Injury (INJ)
tags: []
culture: en-US
minScale: 0