Dataset:RrxOn > Field: ObjectID

Field Details
: ObjectID
: NUMBER(38)
: Yes
: No
: ObjectID
: NA
: NA
Basic information about this field
Field Constraints
ObjectID is constrained by a value list. The table to the right lists the valid values for this field.
Code Value
Ownership & Maintenance
: Data Management Unit
: Bibi Khan
: Phyllis Snider
What section or group in CDOT owns the data in this dataset and who is custodian of the data itself.
Business Rules
: ObjectID
: NA
: Yes
: No
: Yes
: Yes
: No
A Unique Idenification Number that Enables ESRI Mapping Applications to Spatiailly Project Tabluar Data for GIS record management and analysis, reporting, layer themes, mapping visualization and Editing.
Business rules related to this particular field.
Other Datasets with this Field
Title Type Description
AliasOn Table The AliasOn table is a collection of events that identify past or historical names, other-wise-known-as street and roadway names. AliasOn also describes high mountain passes, Scenic Byways, Memorial Highways and common surnames given to roads.
AnchorOn Table The AnchorOn table is a Collection of Inventory Items, Features, Events or Split Point Locations that can be Field Varified and/or could be assigned a Real World Coordinate. Structures, Junctions, Crossings and Intersections are some Examples.
ClassOn Table The ClassOn table is a collection of events that identify the various Roadway Usage Categories, Forest Service, Restriction Details, Functional Classifications, Route Signage, Populations, some Government Areas, Boundaries, Limitations and Scenic Byways.
CondOn Table The CondOn table is a collection of events that identify and profile roadway pavement conditions like roughness, rutting, faulting, fatigue, percent cracking along with various other categories used to rate the quality of a roadway segment.
CurveOn Table Curves
DescOn Table DescOn is a table that contains highway segment descriptions from the GRDMS geodatabase.
FwyOn Table The FwyOn Table was removed in the Transys Optimization Project.
GradeOn Table Grade
HOVTOn Table RETIRED. The HOVTOn table is a collection of events that identify Roadway Segments that have High-Occupancy Lanes, Restricted Lanes, Reversable Lanes, Express or Toll Lanes.
HPMSSTE Table This dataset contains roadway sections in the State's Sample Panel that are under CDOT's jusidiction. The Sample Panel provides detailed statistical data on a randomly selected sample of roadway sections in the State's public roadway inventory to meet Federal reporting requirements for the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).
IntchOn Table The IntchOn Table and the Interchages Feature Class hold data and geometry for the Major Interchanges on the State Highway System.
IntersectOn Table The IntersectOn table is a New Collection that Describes the Node Point where Roadway Objects are Crossing each other - i.e Local-Road Intersections, Highway Junctions, Exits, Rail Roads, Interchanges, River Crossings, Culverts and Structures.
MileGroupsOn Table MileGroupsOn is a collection of events to help CDOT understand and manage Mile Marker posting and locations.
RampsOn Table The RampsOn table is a Collection of On Ramps and Exit Ramps including a few Design Specifications, a few classicication fields and a few Traffic Volume and Traffic Related items that have a Traffic Count Stations on the State Highway System. *
RegOn Table The RegOn table is a Collection of Events that Provide Detailed Information about various Maintenance and Patrol Boundaries, Engineerion Regions, Planning Areas, MPOs, Land Owners, State Senate Districts and House Districts.
SpeedOn Table The SpeedOn table is a Single Event that Provides Detailed Information about Posted Speed Limits on the State Highway System.
StateRoutes Table StateRoutes is a small table that defines the limits of each Route within the Colorado LRS. StateRoutes Summarizes each route Log with a (Min) Measure location and a (Max) Measure location along with a narative description of each Highway.
TraffOn Table The TraffOn table is a collection of Traffic Volume and Traffic related events that have Field Count Stations on the State Highway System.
XsecOn Table The XsecOn table is a collection of events that deal with road design specifications, dimensions, cross section, safety features and construction standards. The contents of XsecOn are commonly called Geometrics.
StrOn Table This table is a collection of point events that provide detailed information about major bridges and culverts on the State Highway System.
Abandonments FeatureClass Old Parts of the State Highways System that have been swaped for traded to a local jurisdiction.
Highways-DMU FeatureClass The Roadway Centerline. Type 1) Undivided Roads, Type 2) Divided Roads, Type 3) Plus 3 lanes, Type 6) Toll Roads, Type 7) Fully Divided Secondary Lanes
Routes FeatureClass ​The Routes hold the center-line representation in GIS and is a PolyM enabled feature. These shapes are the quarterly results from correcting ( line vectors ) on the states highways while at the same time adding accuracy to all the stations that produce the Measures along the geometry.​
Other datasets that have this field.